Lifestyle is a key determent for wellness
Sexual performance is a barometer of a man’s health. Nutrition, sleep, exercise and stress management are the choices that determine wellness or illness for a majority of men. Our human body is a complex machine. Blood flow is one of its most important functions. It helps bring oxygen and nutrients to muscles and organs. A healthy blood circulation is key to erectile function and erectile quality. Various factors influence our cardiovascular system and overall health. A healthy diet and physical exercise contribute to maintain a good sexual health.
Prelox® may contribute, in a natural way, to better erections in men who begin to experience a decline of erectile quality. A combination of healthy lifestyle and the natural solution Prelox® can help. Prelox® is a safe and natural way to enhance sexual pleasure and performance. A revolutionary formula that has been proven to improve erectile quality. It helps men in an all natural way to achieve a fulfilling healthy sex life. Prelox® can help revitalize your sexual performance, put an end to performance anxiety, restore your confidence and achieve the kind of pleasure and satisfaction you thought were no longer possible.

A healthy diet is crucial to overall wellness. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends increasing consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and legumes and limiting fats and sugars for a healthy diet. When you put good, whole foods into your body, they not only provide the right type of energy to keep you moving throughout the day, but the right diet can also help the body’s organs to function properly. Dr. Steven Lamm, sexual wellness expert and author of the Hardness Factor, is a firm believer that our diets are very much tied to erectile quality and can have a significant impact on the quality of an erection.
Working out

Physical exercise is not only good for our waistline and mental health, it’s also an important step in ensuring that your sexual health is at its peak level. When you are exercising, your vascular system is hard at work pumping blood and oxygen supplies to muscles, building stamina, flexibility and strength. Nitric Oxide (NO) enhances blood flow and plays a key role for the vascular response to exercise. Erectile function is also tied to the vascular system. Nitric oxide is crucial for the regulation of blood flow to the genital area. As men get older, the vascular effects of nitric oxide their body produces decreases. Keeping your body in shape with regular exercise can increase sex drive and sexual satisfaction and stamina.

"The nature of Prelox® is different. It is a daily dietary supplement that boosts overall sexual wellness and acts at an earlier step in the process leading to an erection. The product helps dilate blood vessels and restore normal nitric oxide function. This allows men to enjoy a more fulfilling sex life, including spontaneous arousal and stronger erectile quality."
The Hardness Factor
Steven Lamm, M.D., clinical assistant professor of Medicine, New York University, is a renown medical practitioner, a best-selling author, and has conducted varies clinical trials. Dr. Lamm has himself carried out one of the three clinical trials proving the beneficial effect of Prelox® on erectile function.
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